Healthy and delicious thoughts, foods, stories and recipes. You can get 'em all in one place! Just, ask shiren.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Tears of endearment
This much we know: all of us do it in varying degrees of blubbitude. Some of us are waterfalls, others are Saharas. Most of us fit somewhere in between.
The trigger maybe the moral injustice in Schindler's List, or the way Heath Ledger's throat catches when he confesses those forbidden feelings in Brokeback Mountain, or the final showdown of Rang de Basanti. Or that cheesy Micheal Keaton movie-you know, the one where he's dying of cancer and so on.
Whatever. There we sit, teary-eyed, vulnerable and helpless. And we become as emotionally intertwined with the characters in the movie as we do with real people.The movie reached us. We related to it. It spoke to something inside.
And in our dinner or parking lot discussions, the cultural myths [and facts] tumble out: Women cry more than men. Women go out of their way to find 'chick flicks' cry-athons. Guys cry only if someone squirts Mace at their eyeballs.
Research in this domain concluded that girls and boys do equal amounts of crying until puberty. But as boys take the testosterone highway and women take the estrogen bike path, their responses differ. Women do tend to cry up to four times more than men. Also the emotional kind of crying was discovered to release internal toxins as opposed to the onion-slicing variety.
What really trigger the waterworks is a combination of conflicted emotions. We choke up , essentially, at the fulfillment of social roles, such as a couple pledging a life together at a wedding or, the father dancing with his daughter. But we cry for bittersweet reasons, realising we can never sustain or measure up to , that iconic moment i.e. we strum a mental guitar chord that combines positive, major feelings with sadder minor tones. And the tears flow before we know it.
So we are empathising , we are strumming , and we are philosophising in the flickering chiaroscuro. Bur whatever we are really doing within the ineffable inner machinery we call soul, and whatever the prolactin content in our tears, we are forging a personal bond with a particular movie that we'll never lose. As with love, perhaps it's better not to understand the mystical algebra that connects us to Beaches but to be grateful it adds up to moments like these.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Writing blogs , i personally feel acts like a hanky. Blow your nose and keep it away. Ok i know thats grosse, but thats the first thing that came to my mind. Speaking of mind, sometimes i spend hours on end trying to understand how does this super organ work. It stores and remembers dates, days, timetables, constants,variables, calorific vals of each food, metabolic cycles, stuff we study, or even read once while trying to cover a syllabus soo vast.
And let me not forget the emotions it is capable of producing. Happiness-the endorphin high, excitement-the adrenaline high, stress-the epinephrine high...and so on. And all it mainly requires to function is not some great wonder food, but merely glucose. Seems wonderful!
It tells you when you are having fun, getting bored, feeling happy, or depressed.
Imagine a day with no mind of our own. A world devoid of opinions, ideas, ingenuity. How plastic. The only thing then capable by a mindless human is survival. We would no doubt survive, just like the others in our kingdom, but never really understand the meaning of our existence.No self actualised-evangelists required. Love would merely be a chemical activity, which would occur between two individuals, so as to help them copulate. Survival of the fittest would take over our feelings of humanity, care and concern.The self-destruction of our planet would seize, and maybe our future generation would survive in a healthier atmosphere, living long and fruitful lives.
So when I reason with myself, I see myself bending towards a world without a mind. A non-dramatic, dull planet to some, a haven to most.
The diwALI-RAMzan connection.
But religion is something close to their hearts. Some wear it on their sleeves, most choose to be neutral and rarely one may find the ideal striking a balance.
The ones displaying it are fervent fanatics, intolerable and idiotic to a certain level. These people have egos which are hurt so easily that one may even wonder when and why. They feel superior to the Lot. They feel they have the right, the supremacy and the power to change the future by indulging in foolish outcries, which not only proves to affect the health , sanity and interests of other people, but also sometimes compromises their own. But do they mind? I guess not.
The ones who choose to be neutral sometimes maybe a cause of concern too. They have the same loud emotions in their hearts, but only fail to participate in the outcry. Thus, what results is a somewhat muted expression of their emotion, which in turn further disappoints them. They maybe the ones bursting the loudest of crackers or throwing the grandest of Id-parties, but they never go beyond that. When its the time to show communal harmony, they put their best foot forward. On the other hand when its time to show communal hatred these neutrals put on masks and participate with the intentions of safeguarding their interest.
The Ideal is a rare find. Not only do they understand and appreciate other religions, they participate in their festivities not only for the namesake, but with an open heart and mind, thoroughly enjoying the culture and tradition the festival endures. They are never judgemental, nor do they ever compare. They promote communal harmony by being impartial, which brings out the true essence of people. They discourage hatred among equals by bringing to light issues which usually are kept in the dark , which tend to be the breeding grounds for fear.
So all i ask of people is to:
light a diya in their hearts to find their ideal,
distribute shirkurma, not merely as a sweet, but to sweeten bitter hearts,
thus, making our diverse country an example of unity, tolerance and brotherhood.
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Are you nobody, too?
Then there ’s a pair of us—don’t tell!
They ’d banish us, you know, from hell.
How dreary to be somebody!
How public, like a frog
To tell your name the whole long day
To an admiring bog!
Victory comes late,
And is held low to freezing lips
Too rapt with frost
To take it.
How sweet it would have tasted,
Just a drop!
Was God so economical?
His table’s spread too high for us
Unless we dine on tip-toe.
Crumbs fit such little mouths.
IF I can stop one heart from breaking,
I shall not live in vain;
If I can ease one life the aching,
Or cool one pain,
I shall not live in vain.
I asked no other thing,
NO OTHER THING was denied...!
And yeah...i live one simple life.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Im leaving on a jet plane...Janis
And then..
The greatest white female rock singer of the 1960s, Janis Joplin tried her version of this classic. Though women's liberation had just sowed its seed in those times, her song showed some glimpses of the future. The future which had women taking the lead in everyman's domain. Although she was never appreciated during her time,which ususally is the case seen with futurists, i believe she made her own mark in the rock domain, originally meant only for men.
Thus, i feel obligated to add this to my blog.
All my bags are packed
Im ready to go
Im standin here outside your door
I hate to wake you up to say goodbye
But the dawn is breakin
Its early morn
The taxis waitin
Hes blowin his horn
Already Im so lonesome
I could die
So kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that youll wait for me
Hold me like youll never let me go
cause Im leavin on a jet plane
Dont know when Ill be back again
Oh babe, I hate to go
Theres so many times Ive let you down
So many times Ive played around
I tell you now, they dont mean a thing
Every place I go, Ill think of you
Every song I sing, Ill sing for you
When I come back, Ill bring your wedding ring
So kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that youll wait for me
Hold me like youll never let me go
cause Im leavin on a jet plane
Dont know when Ill be back again
Oh babe, I hate to go
Now the time has come to leave you
One more time
Let me kiss you
Then close your eyes
Ill be on my way
Dream about the days to come
When I wont have to leave alone
About the times, I wont have to say
Oh, kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that youll wait for me
Hold me like youll never let me go
cause Im leavin on a jet plane
Dont know when Ill be back again
Oh babe, I hate to go
But, Im leavin on a jet plane
Dont know when Ill be back again
Oh babe, I hate to go..
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Friday, August 10, 2007
Not for what he seems.
Even if his outside is deterring,
It is his inside that gleams.
May he be near, or he be far,
Distance does not play a role.
All that matters in a friend,
Is if he cares for your soul.
All people hear, but few do listen.
All people look, but few do see.
Take your time to count your blessings,
For friends are few and far between.
Life is a road that leads to happiness,
But it’s not smooth at all.
Only a true friend helps you up,
When you trip on sorrow and fall.
I don’t need money
and I don’t need fame.
I want a life that’s not a sham,
I want to be with those around me,
With those who love me for who I am.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Of momos, mousse and everything in between..
The sweets:
Never been a fan of indian traditional ghee laden sweets {no offence to those who like it k..} , my version of sweet means something of the following order:
Mousse: Though chocolate is always on the menu, my mom recently made the mock-lemon version, for which i have developed an addiction .
Cheesecakes: Although really calorie giving the kiwi one at Dorabjee can make any blue dissapear.
Chocolate brownies with or w/o vanilla icecream: Best ones:mom-made, ranking close are the german bakery ones, followed by Barista.
Chocolate-walnut cake: i sincerely prefer the sinful cake-n-counter ones~to the rest.
Moving to my other favs:
Momos, dimsums, wantons, dumplings: These tibetian-chinese-cantonese-thai innovations, served steaming hot , in the monsoons~yumm. Full of flavour for those who have developed a taste for these goodies, they are my abso-favs, if thats a word.
Pav-bhaji, wada pav, marzo/sub-sandwiches, and SPDP{kalyan/murlibhaiya}: Cant do without these junk ofcourse.
Idliwadadosa sambar:Udipi foods are the delightful sunday breakfast.
okay...ill stop here for i can go on rambling about everything i love to eat.
The intention for this post was that i totally feel that the food one eats can affect/influnce one's mood for good.
And yes, im a total foodie!heheh!
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Good night and God bless..
Ahh...that must have felt nice!
Its late now, time for bed and to log off the net. He does it with a little smiled curved on his face. And then he sleeps. Resting, resting and then finally, he passes into another world without even registering the fact that the pain was radiating from his heart. Tomorrow, his wife will find him on the sofa. Not alive. But when the funeral is over and everyone who knew him go back to living without him, the ones who really cared are left feeling sad. But there is hope. There is a message waiting for them to read, written by his own words, on the night before he passed on.
So all i must say is : God bless this blogging generation!
Saturday, June 30, 2007
If you have ever had to call a friend in the middle of the night when your car has broken down some miles from home, you will know how good it feels to hear the phrase " I'll be there". Being there for another person is the greatest gift one can give. When we are truly present for other people, important things happen to them and us.We are renewed in love and friendship.We are restored emotionally and spiritually.Being there is at the very core of civility.
I miss you..
Perhaps many couples would be saved if they simply and sincerely say to each other,"I miss you". This powerful affirmation tells partners they are wanted, needed, desired and loved.
Maybe you're right...
This phrase is highly effective in diffusng an argument and restoring frayed emotions. The flip side to "maybe you're right" is admitting "maybe im wrong". Let us face it. When you have an intense argument with someone, all you do is cement the other's point of view.They ,or you, will not change their stance and you run the risk of seriously damaging the relationship between the two of you.Saying "maybe u'r right" can open the door to further explore the subject, in which you may then have an opportunity to get your view across in a more rational manner.
Let me help..
The best of friends see a need and try to fill it.When they spot a hurt, they do what they can to heal it. Without being asked, they pitch in and help.
I thank you..
Gratitude is an exquisite form of courtesy.People who enjoy the companionship of good close friends are those who do not take daily courtesies for granted. They are quick to thank their friends for their many expressions of kindness. On the other hand, people whose circle of friends is severely constricted, often donot have the attitude of gratitude.
I trust you..
Respecting and trust is another way of showing love. It conveys tha feeling that another person is a true equal. If you talk to your children as if they were adults, you will strenghten the bonds and become close friends. This applies to all inter-personal relationships.
Go for it..
We are all unique.D'ont ry to get your friends to conform to your ideals.Support them in their pursuits of interest. no matter how weird they seem to you. Everyone has dreams, dreams that are unique to that person only. Encourage your friends to follow what is close to their hearts. Tell them to " go for it".
Please forgive me..
All of us are vulnerable to faults and failures. A man should never be ashamed to own up that he has been in the wrong, which is saying, in other words, that he is wiser today than he was yesyerday.
I love you..
Perhaps the most abused but most important three wors\ds that you can say. Telling someone that you truly love them satisfies a person's deepest emotional needs. The need to belong, according to Maslow's hierarchy, ranks 3rd, only after basic needs and security.Your spouse, parents,children,friends and you, all need to hear these three little heartfelt words" I love you".
Thus, i would like to end this by quoting," Its only words and words are all i have to take ur heart away".
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
This was what i was asked at the mandatory counselling session. Left me in the lurch for sometime coz for this i really had to think.Think hard.Yup i could have faked. Said something just randomly. But that wasnt supposed to be. For this question was stuck in my brain, a funnily equiped organ, and those words kept revolving in my mind like a stuck record.
In this day and age where people are busy making preparations for being "happy" in their future, i really wonder when will they ever get the time to enjoy their personally stored happiness quota? If its ever meant to be, i wonder what will 60+ people do? Anyways i donot wish to dwell into that topic, as that would make limited reading. What i want to get into is:
What is "unconditional happiness"?
Is it the comfort of knowing that we are secure from the dangers in life?Or is it a feeling that spills over u when u top ur class?Or it the getting everything one desires?
For all this i believe there never can be happiness which is unconditional. Everything temporary or tangible cannot be a source of unconditional happiness.
The fact that i had to think to answer this simple question puts mee to shame. For there cannot be a more simple answer to this question. The answer to this question is "I feel happy just knowing that i can "feel" happy"....hehehe!...waht better way to define an emotion~totally abstact!
Sunday, June 17, 2007
— Daniel Stern as the narrator, The Wonder Years
I soo wish i were young, to enjoy life sans care and consiousness in my mind,
I soo wish i could have fun of each and every kind.
I wish and i hope and i pray to thee,
To keep most of us young and childlike and free.
For life as it moves from sunrise to sunset,
Brings with it mirth and doubt and regret.
Monday, June 11, 2007
No plan equals good plan!
We reached late evening to a place called "dive agar". Weird name and equally wierd place. Now in this modern day and age, where will one find a place wid 1.}No network i.e no airtel/idea/hutch signal2.}No pay phones for miles 3.} No cable for the t.v.
With all the modern timepass cut, i thought, "Thank God they've atleast got electricity.", but i was soon to be learning that they had powercuts for a min of 3 hrs...
Insipte of all this info, we had an awesome dinner which included the likes of oriental-tandoori-seafood staples...yummmmm!
The next morning we leave the comforts of our ACed MTDC cottage/tent
The sea looked clam with a naughty glimpse in its eyes. The sand was soft and the climate just perfect. It wasnt very hot and neither very humid, however the afternoons werent very pleasant. All we did was~[ate*played*slept]n.....and had a superb time...
I write all this not merely because i want to make mes amis a little jalous...but for highlighting that...."No plan equals good plan"...for i am sure if this trip was planned, it would never have turned out as a truly memorable and cherishable experience!
Go ahead ppl, be imPULSive!!!!
Thursday, May 31, 2007
" The journey ends when lover's meet, every wise man's son doth know"~Shakespear.
"He who learns to obey knows how to command"~anon.
"Success does not consist in never making mistakes but in never making the same one a second time."~George Bernard Shaw
"An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind. "~M.K. Gandhi
"If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must Man be of learning from experience."~George Bernard Shaw
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."~Albert Einstein
"A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on."~Sir Winston Churchill
"I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have."~Thomas Jefferson
"The power of accurate observation is frequently called cynicism by those who don't have it."~George Bernard Shaw
"He who has a 'why' to live, can bear with almost any 'how'."~Friedrich Nietzsche
"God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh."~Voltaire
"I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them."~Ian L. Fleming
"Maybe this world is another planet's Hell."~Aldous Huxley
"There are only two tragedies in life: one is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it."~ Oscar Wilde
And i'll end with this...
"A witty saying proves nothing."~Voltaire
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Oh shit, ive overslept, or have i got any sleep, i wonder. No time for lazy stretches today. I tumble out of bed, not realising then that its the wrong side... No breakfast for mee today...shessh... In a hurry to reach my destination on time, i forget to take my cell along... My bike wont start..the @$@#% activa...did we pay 30 grands for this?? And suddenly it springs to life...The roads seemed deserted, with a few exceptions ofcourse...and i wondered and thanked god for it too....heheeh!
I now wonder why i missed soo many signs...
"Oye its sunday ya!!!....wheres the rush...hehehhe!!!"...he yells from top floor.
Embarassed as ever i pretend to look for my cell to check the date...i still dunno y i did that...but the only thing was: i cudnt find it...hehehehh!
Okay...a little dramatic isnt it...but trust mee i had totally forgotten the day of the week...pch pch...some sundays i tell ya...
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
The perfect match~~
My mother a softy, a person my friends are at ease with...
My father a coconut, a rough exterior,but a sweet inside...
My mother a gentle disciplinarian..
My father a strict teacher...
My mother a great cook...
My father a great coach...
My mother a believer...
My father a critic...
My mother... My father...
They think differently, both of them. But what astoundes most do they make the couple they are?...perennially complimenting each other, making up for the things the other may lack...
Truly...seeing them makes mee a destiny, in love, in the match the almighty has created for us to find...
Here's cheers to the Great one for creating the mostest perfect match there ever could have been possible... for i cannot imagine them with anyone else or without each other...and i am not saying this bcoz i am their child...but bcoz i now seem to understand the schemes we are all meant to be a part of...
Sunday, May 06, 2007 of those nosense-sensible forwards...
It's not the fault of the student if he fails, because the year has ONLY 365' days.
Typical academic year for a student.
1. Sundays: 52 Sundays in a year n you know Sundays are for rest.
Days left 313.
2. Summer holidays: 50,where weather is very hot and difficult to study.
Days left 263.
3. 8 hours daily sleep: means 130 days.
Days left 141.
4. 1 hour for daily playing-(good for health): means 15 days.
Days left 126.
5. 2 hours daily for food & other delicacies-(chew properly & eat): means 30days.
Days left 96.
6. 1 hour for talking [on phone maybe](man is a social animal): means 15 days.
Days left 81.
7. Exam days per year: atleast 35 days.
Days left 46.
8. Quarterly, Half yearly and festival holidays: 40 days.
Balance 6 days.
9. Sickness: atleast 3 days.
Remaining days 3.
10. Movies and functions: atleast 2 days.
1 day left.
11. That 1 day is your birthday: "How can you study at that day?"
Balance days 0
Therefore, How can a student PASS....
Thursday, May 03, 2007
what if it was real eh??
What happens if 1 rupee = 45 dollars !
Scene 1
Venue : Microsoft Corporation, New York , US
Some s/w engineers are seeing some photographs.
s/w engg 1 : What's that?
s/w engg 2 : Bob's photographs from India .
s/w engg 1 : Wow. Let me see. Which is this place?
s/w engg 3 : (Sees the photo) This is Ahmednagar, Maharashtra.
s/w engg 1 : Fundoo yaar! And what is this? He got Bajaj Pulsar also.
s/w engg 2 : Let me see (sees). This guy enjoys life maan...
s/w engg 3 : You know how much an Bajaj Pulsar costs?
Nearly 60K.....Say it in dollars... (60000*45 = 27,00,000 dollars)
s/w engg 2: Oops. We can't dream of such a thing here.
s/w engg 1 : Let's go to India & try for a job.
[Everybody excited.]
Venue: Sun Microsystems, SanFrancisco , California, US.
s/w engg 1: I'm with you man. My Visa is expected anytime. Soon I will fly to India.
s/w engg 2: Ohhh.... When is the party?
s/w engg 1: When I get it on hand.
s/w engg 2: Where will you be working?
s/w engg 1 : I'll be working in Mangalwarpet
s/w engg 2 : Oh! Mangalwarpet. Great yaar. where it is...
s/w engg 1 : It is in Pune..not poona...too old pronounced poohneigh...get it right k..
s/w engg 3 : Fundoo place yaar. Nice climate Not like California.You'll love the weather yaar. One of my friends is in Aundh...He says it's the ultimate place to live in. Cool maan.
s/w engg 2 : Who is the client yaar?
s/w engg 1: You know Pune Municipal Corporation?
s/w engg 3 : Yeah. PMC. One of my friends is there in the Pot Hole Division. Most challenging job yaar. People are working in the cutting edge of technology there.
s/w engg 1 : I'll be writing software for the accounts department ofthe GCU.
s/w engg 2: GCU? what it means...?
s/w engg 1 : that is Garbage Collecting Unit.
s/w engg 3 : : Great yaar. That's what I like about that country. You can get a job which requires all your skill. Not like here. See I'm writing software for the space shuttle remote control.I hate this.
s/w engg 1 : Don't worry guys. I'll give you my Hotmail id. You can send your resume to me and I'll forward it to the HRD.
[Everybody takes down his Hotmail id.]
Venue: IBM, New York, US(Conversation between a Male s/w engg. and Female s/w engg.)
Male : Hi!
Female: Hi. You know nah...I'm planning to settle in India soon.
Male : What??
Female : Yeah. My marriage will be here in America only. He is doing his Ph.D in J.N.T.U and he's coming here for a month. His study will be over in 2 months. He's already got a job in MSCB. We planned to settle in Pune itself... I'm also planning to work there. Let's see...
Male: Good luck... dont forget us & US...
Venue: Intel Corp. US
s/w engg 1: Great news guys. Our George has got admission in the IGNOU with scholarship for B.A History. A great new field yaar...All are excited...
George : Got my Visa yesterday. It's all finalized now.
s/w engg 2 : Congrats yaar. So you are out of this country.
s/w engg 1 : B.A in Histroy...ohh., enjoy your life there!!
s/w engg 2 :Got full aid, eh?
George : Yeah. Got the UGC scholarship That will be 1200 Rupees / year.
s/w engg 1 : Great. Enjoy.
s/w engg 2 : (Thinking loud): 1200 Indian Rupees...!
that means 1200 * 45 = 54000 Dollars...with that amount I can buy a three bed-room flat & a Mercedes here...!!!
A foreigner working in Hyderabad as Software Engg gets
a call from his Home ..
Father : What are you doing son ?
S/w Eng : Having breakfast ?
Father : what are you eating ?
S/w Eng: The usual dad...Coconut Sauce and Rice Bread i.e.,(Idli and Chutney)
I hope u donot fail to see the double ppl....would u like a job in the US?...if 1 rupee=45$...
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Its not "fare"...
Today im asking u simply go ahead answer these questions in ur brain if u can and see how many of the following situations u comply with...
It will pour during mid-summer when u have planned a wonderful evening out...
It will be extra hot esp. when u plan to excercise....
It will burn when it must caramalise....
It will come as a compulsory question only when u leave it for option...
It will close only when u suppose it must be open...
It will ask your best friend only when u have intentions...
It will appear only when ur totally bankupt and done with shopping...
It will dissapear from the shelves [and market for that matter] when ur looking for it....
It will be in sale only when u dont want it....
It will be too small or too large....
It will not work when u want it too....
and u can go on and on if u must...
but i rather not.....
For i know i have had my lucky moments which as human nature, many people who agree with most of wat ive written, tend to forget....Because im not the "its not fair" kinda the person who faces the sunshine and lets her shadow fall behind, i perceive the glass half full and not half empty....thus i win the old tell mee people isnt this just fair!!!
Monday, April 23, 2007
Les vacances...
Monday, April 16, 2007
im loving it!
Although i cannot say that my pprs went good, coz majority of them are subjective and ToTally depend of the examiner's mood....i can say that i could have done better.
Leaving aside the MMS syndrome, i want to write and dedicate this blog to all my friends who do not like :
a} studying for exams
b} giving exams
c} getting results.
When desperate friends ask mee to explain the "necessity" of having these tests, i actually have been dumbfounded. Then ive been explained that There is no point just judging by the means of marks which are obtained by cramming/mugging and vomiting right?...wheres the actual learning curve?, etc, etc....
But the only thing i want to say is that exams are a way of life in our country... all of us have got to accept that and give them...No EScape route!!. Our lives and our parents lives are engulfed by this exam-phenomenon.We plan fun holidays around it, weddings are organised keeping these schedules in minds and leaves are arranged by working parents to coincide around their child boards.
Howmuchever one may hAte it, it does not matter.There is no choice right?? there? So there is no point in cribbing...
I write all this inspite of being known as an exam-cribber.But I've learnt it now: Give the exams with the right attitude and those horrible days fly past.The more one cribs, the more difficult it gets for them to get thru....
SO Smile ppl,WE loVE exams, isnt it!!
Friday, April 13, 2007
Jeepers Creepers..its Fd13!!
During the dark middle ages, the Knights of Templar, who were the guardians of the catholic faith against the increasingly spreading Islam, were slaughtered in mass numbers by the devout catholic priests, on the order of the reigning king as they were known to posses some dark anti-church information. Sad, don't u think....u kill for them and then u get killed by them!Anyways, a letter was sent to all the churches in Europe and a date...yes Friday the 13th, 1313...was decided was the day for the complete annihilation of the now perverse Knights. It is believed that they were tricked,caught, tied and burnt alive in groups in front of villagers. This sight, was later passed from generation to generation, by word-of-mouth technique, as being an unlucky day for the do-ers of good....and Hence Friday the 13th is feared by many...
However in today's world, i have rarely met people who are aware of the true myth attached to this date...they just think of the day as unlucky.Well it was unlucky....but only for those unfortunate knights...and not for us common "non do-ers of good"!The Knights have ceased to exist...but the myth of their valour and misfortune remains...Now have they ceased to exist for sure?...the question remains...
Monday, April 09, 2007
my refuge...
Friday, April 06, 2007
The debacle..
How can one live the perfect live??...who decides whats perfect btw??...and even if u live correctly, fulfill all moral n social obligations possible, u will still feel unaccomplished.I guess that's the reason why we have been brought live this life and keep trying to make it perfect...however,there is no, what a disappointment!
Speaking of perfection, which i know is hard to define... what if ppl live imperfect lives and still feel happy??...does this situ ever exist in our humane society?? what if i missed something which was imp to someone what if i dislike someone who i am expected to i allowed to be happy???
That is not left in my hands...its for them to decide! Plz excuse my inquisitive nature...its in mee to ask questions ...i guess thats what I've learnt from this seemingly superb gift...its unanswering nature!
Maybe death brings in its wake something to behold??...can we learn something from this "ceasing to exist state"??...maybe somethings need not be answered now... maybe there will be a right time , place ,occasion to bombard all my questions....and maybe just maybe there will be someone with enough of patience to answer all of them till i believe...
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
All the other frogs gathered around the pit.
When they saw how deep the pit was, they told the two frogs that they were as good as dead.
The two frogs ignored the comments and tried to jump up out of the pit with all of their might. The other frogs kept telling them to stop, that they were as good as dead.
Finally, one of the frogs took heed to what the other frogs were saying and gave up.
He fell down and died.The other frog continued to jump as hard as he could.
Once again, the crowd of frogs yelled at him to stop the pain and just die.
He jumped even harder and finally made it out.
When he got out, the other frogs said, "Did you not hear us?"
The frog explained to them that he was deaf.
He thought they were encouraging him the entire time.
This story teaches two lessons:
1. There is power of life and death in the tongue. An encouraging word to someone who is down can lift them up and help them make it through the day.
2. A destructive word! to someone who is down can be what it takes to kill them. Be careful of what you say.
Speak life to those who cross your path.The power of is sometimes hard to understand that an encouraging word can go a long way. Anyone can speak words that tend to rob another of the spirit to continue in difficult times!
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Pisces (Fish)
{ Born February 19 - March 20 }
1.A Pisces cannot live without lies and treachery. They often get so wrapped up in their own tall tales that they can easily forget which of their stories are true and which are not.
2.A Pisces constantly contradicts herself, and is always trying to wriggle out of a lie somebody has called her on. She will generally not profit from such fruitless tasks, but that's fine by her - she's doing it for the art.
3.Additionally a Pisces loves nothing more than to stick her nose into someone else's dirty laundry. Pretending to be a self-taught psychoanalyst she will pry into people's secrets, which she will later manipulate and trade through her own self-styled network of spies.
4.Incapable of working, or for that matter doing anything remotely useful, a Pisces has no interest for acquiring such abilities. Forcing her to do so is nearly impossible - she will simply wriggle out and disappear.
Thats a piscean for you! !Whole and soul!!
NO nO dont laugh, i would love if you ppl would come up wid similar stuff abt yourselves.....Now thats true CouRaGE!!whadouthink haa??
Thursday, February 22, 2007

Well this is not to disappoint u ppl...esp.guys who i know for sure are really "fond" of Madame.Jolie-Pitt.The idea for this blog is to make people aware that "Food is the essence of life"....and thats what makes Angelina...her!However i don't wanna patronise her so im gonna move ahead.
Being a dietitian does leave one retrospecting their own diets.And believe mee this is not a very blissful thing,esp. when i see my brother dear buttering up his toast for breakfast!!
According to moi,people in general can be divided into Three categories{of course speaking non-professionally}The ones who are nourished, The ones who are malnourished,And the third lucky group who eat,enjoy,exercise and live life minus health worries.
However in the techno-gizmo world of today, the third catagory ppl have ceased to exist, i mean when the phone and the Internet are at thy fingertips why will neone wanna move their behind??Its pointless when we can get food without tilting our heads from the screen of our new L.C.D. tv/PS2!
However i would love if ull told mee how ull define Health??What according to u ppl is The lifestule one can opt to be in the Third catagory.....Till then,
Cheers to good health!
Monday, February 12, 2007
Overrated?wat do u think??....
mAN truly "love is blind and makes u act like a blind man too"
I've even heard cases where ppl are shelling out loads just to send a "box of chocolates" for some adorable person they feel is worth it...who currently is far far away!!Now wheres the sense in that right!?! "
Two senarios....tell mee which one appeals the most? its obviously the second one! But dontya ppl think this blissful feeling is overrated?!!
Ppl visiting this page plz care to put in an really love to know!
Monday, January 29, 2007
Fodder for ya brainz!!
2. Before borrowing money from a friend, decide whether you need more.
3. Death is hereditary.
4. There are three sides to every argument: your side, my side and the right side.
5. An expert is someone who takes a subject you understand and makes it sound confusing.
6. Many things can be preserved in alcohol. Dignity is not one of them.
7. Never argue with a fool. People might not know the difference.
8. When you're right, no one remembers. When you're wrong, no one forgets.
9. Cheer up, the worst is yet to come.
10. Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.
11. Well done is better than well said.
12. Everyone makes mistakes. The trick is to make them when nobody is looking.
13. Always borrow money from a pessimist. He won't expect it back.
14. If you can't see the bright side of life, polish the dull side.
15. Where there's a will there are five hundred relatives.
16. Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die.
Monday, January 15, 2007
When ppl behave DuMb
What i see here is they find it to be an opportunity to escape THEIR boredom simply by stating a nod even when one does NOT comply or concur wid the situation.However this act of knowing does saves time and energy for both the info. giver and the Pretender, along wid other human n man made resources like patience and money.
But.... does get irritating when U are the on the giving end...!! I mean WHat???....y the hell am even taking the trouble??!!Anyways the main reason for writing this blog is to make Les gens aware that no one can always be on the blissful side SOW the Stuff U want to Reap!! n if u seriously are getting Bored OR are genuinely uninterested Just say soo!!...Is it that difficult!
Disclaimer: the blog is only a perspective k....and it also happens that the author has been received by pea brains ~~
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Its the season to be jolly..lalalala
JANUARY: Last year began wid a Athena & Merlot....its a lovely place owned by Karen Anand!!We were home by 2:30am though...coz i forgot mes cles.....
FEBRUARY: Don't remember much but im sure i must have written some exam or the other!!...{how predictable}
MARCH: K....birthday month....and i celebrated it thrice this year...which is once more than the usual!!
1.wid family
2.wid Andy and gang
3.wid college ppl!!
and by the end of the month i was begging for money here and there!!!heheheh!!!TREATS CAN GET EXPENSIVE!!
APRIL: A tough month it was...wid finals and all....but yes....the last days were Jolie!!
thats coz all my ppl...exclusive of folks...landed up in Alibaug for a good week !!
MAY: Another interesting month during which mee and my family travelled....but this time it was GO GOA!!....and we reached well before the there we were soaking up our tan...swimming in the sea...and eating yummy foods along the vast coast!!
JUNE: A month of RAIN RAIN AND ONLY RAIN!!....OK i don't adore getting drenched esp.when i have to go to college which is on the opposite end of town!!....but i managed with a lil cursing!!heheh!!!
JULY: Units took up our time along wid subs which were lined up all the way!!...ohh how i missed May then!!
AUGUST: I was bored wid life and decided to enroll for french...this was basically done to wake up in the mornings and move my butt out of bed!!So there i was wid Mademoiselle Ruchi at sharp oh eight hundred hours learning the alphabets and numbers in french!!It was fun bt i missed the earlier company of Cresspo n all....however i had fun basically coz it ws sumthing i liked!!
SEPTEMBER: French took its toll wid my second units and i had to multitask ....which i don't like coz i land up doin nothing well!!....ok i may sound like a whats the pt of doin sumthing if ur not gonna do it well???
OCTOBER: Subs SUBS and more subs....oh...being a nutritionist doesn't come easy! thinking of it....WHAT DOES?!!... this was also the time for 1B in french!! upgrade from the nos. n alphabets! it was time for verbs,tenses...n other intensive grammar stuff wid monsieur Hamish!!sheesh...{no offence to monsieur...i guess he did tRY to teach}!!...and yes i did miss my ol batch a lil!
NOVEMBER: Time for french final + college finals!!....y mee i asked god??....however i had to go thru wid it....and there after some cursing , praying and criticizing... this torturous month was over!! AND the bEST part is I Passed and did wookay too!!!{inclined to be modest}
DECEMBER: 2A in french wid monsieur Kaustub {and han 2A isn't easy k!!} 6:00 in the there it was...Mornings began wid subs and evenings ended wid french....i.e.....i had no life!! But in the end All was Dad says,"No oNe ever died of Hardwork now....did they??"
Thus ends my year…and respecting Bob Dylan’s words…”I do take care of all my memories for I cannot relive all of them!!”