Monday, January 15, 2007

When ppl behave DuMb

When normal individuals show slow and low understanding capabilities it implies they are either too bored n uninterested in what is being said or done....or either they pretend to be dumb{No offence to Les invalids}.
What i see here is they find it to be an opportunity to escape THEIR boredom simply by stating a nod even when one does NOT comply or concur wid the situation.However this act of knowing does saves time and energy for both the info. giver and the Pretender, along wid other human n man made resources like patience and money.
But.... does get irritating when U are the on the giving end...!! I mean WHat???....y the hell am even taking the trouble??!!Anyways the main reason for writing this blog is to make Les gens aware that no one can always be on the blissful side SOW the Stuff U want to Reap!! n if u seriously are getting Bored OR are genuinely uninterested Just say soo!!...Is it that difficult!
Disclaimer: the blog is only a perspective k....and it also happens that the author has been received by pea brains ~~

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