Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Its not "fare"...

Thats what my t-shirt read...i wore it in the 8th or 9th maybe....i still have it...it is lime-hidious-green and my cousins loved it coz thats what they described mee as... an" its not fair"kinda person. "Totally wrong", i would defy and crib about it not being fair to label mee....which would futher prove their point.
Today im asking u folks...to simply go ahead answer these questions in ur brain if u can and see how many of the following situations u comply with...

It will pour during mid-summer when u have planned a wonderful evening out...
It will be extra hot esp. when u plan to excercise....
It will burn when it must caramalise....
It will come as a compulsory question only when u leave it for option...
It will close only when u suppose it must be open...
It will ask your best friend only when u have intentions...
It will appear only when ur totally bankupt and done with shopping...
It will dissapear from the shelves [and market for that matter] when ur looking for it....
It will be in sale only when u dont want it....
It will be too small or too large....
It will not work when u want it too....
and u can go on and on if u must...

but i rather not.....
For i know i have had my lucky moments which as human nature, many people who agree with most of wat ive written, tend to forget....Because im not the "its not fair" kinda person....im the person who faces the sunshine and lets her shadow fall behind, i perceive the glass half full and not half empty....thus i win the old arguement....now tell mee people isnt this just fair!!!

1 comment:

Cressida said...

i like this one!! :)