Wednesday, June 27, 2007

"When was the last time did u feel happy?...and i mean unconditional happiness.No strings attached."
This was what i was asked at the mandatory counselling session. Left me in the lurch for sometime coz for this i really had to think.Think hard.Yup i could have faked. Said something just randomly. But that wasnt supposed to be. For this question was stuck in my brain, a funnily equiped organ, and those words kept revolving in my mind like a stuck record.
In this day and age where people are busy making preparations for being "happy" in their future, i really wonder when will they ever get the time to enjoy their personally stored happiness quota? If its ever meant to be, i wonder what will 60+ people do? Anyways i donot wish to dwell into that topic, as that would make limited reading. What i want to get into is:
What is "unconditional happiness"?
Is it the comfort of knowing that we are secure from the dangers in life?Or is it a feeling that spills over u when u top ur class?Or it the getting everything one desires?
For all this i believe there never can be happiness which is unconditional. Everything temporary or tangible cannot be a source of unconditional happiness.
The fact that i had to think to answer this simple question puts mee to shame. For there cannot be a more simple answer to this question. The answer to this question is "I feel happy just knowing that i can "feel" happy"....hehehe!...waht better way to define an emotion~totally abstact!


Anonymous said...

u have defined happiness no more words to describe how i feel at this moment

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.