Thursday, November 08, 2007

The diwALI-RAMzan connection.

Its not that obvious from the title itself. Just as people in India would like it. Subtle mentions in people's blogs. But I'm not trying to fit in their criteria. If they had the power they would control the mention of sexuality in front of the 'young' minds so as to prevent perverting them.What hypocrisy i must add.
But religion is something close to their hearts. Some wear it on their sleeves, most choose to be neutral and rarely one may find the ideal striking a balance.
The ones displaying it are fervent fanatics, intolerable and idiotic to a certain level. These people have egos which are hurt so easily that one may even wonder when and why. They feel superior to the Lot. They feel they have the right, the supremacy and the power to change the future by indulging in foolish outcries, which not only proves to affect the health , sanity and interests of other people, but also sometimes compromises their own. But do they mind? I guess not.
The ones who choose to be neutral sometimes maybe a cause of concern too. They have the same loud emotions in their hearts, but only fail to participate in the outcry. Thus, what results is a somewhat muted expression of their emotion, which in turn further disappoints them. They maybe the ones bursting the loudest of crackers or throwing the grandest of Id-parties, but they never go beyond that. When its the time to show communal harmony, they put their best foot forward. On the other hand when its time to show communal hatred these neutrals put on masks and participate with the intentions of safeguarding their interest.
The Ideal is a rare find. Not only do they understand and appreciate other religions, they participate in their festivities not only for the namesake, but with an open heart and mind, thoroughly enjoying the culture and tradition the festival endures. They are never judgemental, nor do they ever compare. They promote communal harmony by being impartial, which brings out the true essence of people. They discourage hatred among equals by bringing to light issues which usually are kept in the dark , which tend to be the breeding grounds for fear.
So all i ask of people is to:
light a diya in their hearts to find their ideal,
distribute shirkurma, not merely as a sweet, but to sweeten bitter hearts,
thus, making our diverse country an example of unity, tolerance and brotherhood.

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