Friday, April 06, 2007

The debacle..

Life does not consist of perfect endings...ppl who believe in the "happily ever after" stuff are merely fooling their selves to believe!
How can one live the perfect live??...who decides whats perfect btw??...and even if u live correctly, fulfill all moral n social obligations possible, u will still feel unaccomplished.I guess that's the reason why we have been brought live this life and keep trying to make it perfect...however,there is no, what a disappointment!
Speaking of perfection, which i know is hard to define... what if ppl live imperfect lives and still feel happy??...does this situ ever exist in our humane society?? what if i missed something which was imp to someone what if i dislike someone who i am expected to i allowed to be happy???
That is not left in my hands...its for them to decide! Plz excuse my inquisitive nature...its in mee to ask questions ...i guess thats what I've learnt from this seemingly superb gift...its unanswering nature!
Maybe death brings in its wake something to behold??...can we learn something from this "ceasing to exist state"??...maybe somethings need not be answered now... maybe there will be a right time , place ,occasion to bombard all my questions....and maybe just maybe there will be someone with enough of patience to answer all of them till i believe...

1 comment:

Surreal said...

Hey.........u r soundin all depressed.......cheer up n b happy n satisfied 2 have a friend like me!!!!!!!!!